1 両足を肩幅に開いて立ちます。
2 両腕を頭上に伸ばし、背筋をぐっと伸ばします。
3 ゆっくり左右に体を倒し、体側をしっかりと伸ばします。左右10秒ずつキープします。
1 四つん這いになり、肩の真下に手首、股関節の真下に膝を置きます。
2 息を吸いながら背中を反らし、目線を天井へ。
3 息を吐きながら背中を丸め、お腹を引き上げます。
【Simple Stretches to Boost Metabolism】
Feeling sluggish or wanting to boost your metabolism? Incorporating easy stretches into your routine can be effective for promoting metabolism.
Full-Body Blood Flow Stretch
Do this stretch in the morning or after a bath to promote metabolism by stretching your whole body.
How to do it:
1 Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
2 Reach both arms overhead, stretching your back.
3 Slowly bend to each side, holding for 10 seconds on each side.
Cat & Cow Stretch
This stretch supports your internal organs and increases metabolism by gently moving the spine.
How to do it:
1 Get on all fours, with wrists under shoulders and knees under hips.
2 Inhale and arch your back, looking up.
3 Exhale, rounding your back and drawing your belly up.
These stretches and massages can boost your metabolism with just a morning or post-bath routine. When in Kyoto, enjoy traditional massages for an even greater refresh and metabolism boost!